We will cover the basic usages of TAPA in this section. If you are migrating from Vitis HLS, another tutorial presents two nice examples.

Before you start, make sure you have installed TAPA properly.

Hello World: Vector Add

Let’s start with the following TAPA C++ source code:

#include <cstdint>

#include <tapa.h>

void Add(tapa::istream<float>& a, tapa::istream<float>& b,
         tapa::ostream<float>& c, uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    c << (a.read() + b.read());

void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<const float> mmap, uint64_t n,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream << mmap[i];

void Stream2Mmap(tapa::istream<float>& stream, tapa::mmap<float> mmap,
                 uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream >> mmap[i];

void VecAdd(tapa::mmap<const float> a, tapa::mmap<const float> b,
            tapa::mmap<float> c, uint64_t n) {
  tapa::stream<float> a_q("a");
  tapa::stream<float> b_q("b");
  tapa::stream<float> c_q("c");

      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, a, n, a_q)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, b, n, b_q)
      .invoke(Add, a_q, b_q, c_q, n)
      .invoke(Stream2Mmap, c_q, c, n);

The above code adds two variable-length float vectors, a and b, to produce a new vector c with the same length. This is done with four C++ functions: Add, Mmap2Stream, Stream2Mmap, and VecAdd. The last function invokes the first three. Let’s discuss them one-by-one.

The Add function performs the element-wide addition operations. It takes 4 arguments: tapa::istream<float>& a and tapa::istream<float>& b are input streams. tapa::ostream<float>& c is an output stream. uint64_t n is a scalar input for the length of the vectors. This function reads each of a and b for n times, adds them together, and writes the sum to c.

The Mmap2Stream function reads an input vector from DRAM and writes it to a stream. It takes 3 arguments: tapa::mmap<const float> mmap is a memory-mapped interface. On FPGA, this is usually the on-board DRAM. uint64_t n is a scalar input for the length of the vectors. tapa::ostream<stream>& c is an output stream.

The Stream2Mmap function is the reverse of Mmap2Stream.

The above three functions each defines a task, which can run in parallel. Tasks that do not instantiation other tasks are called lower-level tasks.

The VecAdd function instantiates the three lower-level tasks and defines the communication channels between them. It takes 3 arguments: 3 mmap interfaces for the 3 vectors and one scalar for the vector length. 3 communication channels are defined in VecAdd. The 3 lower-level tasks are instantiated 4 times in total because there are 2 input vectors, each of which needs its own Mmap2Stream. The VecAdd function is an upper-level task. It is also the top-level task that defines the interface between the kernel and the host. Once the 4 children task instances are instantiated, they will run in parallel and their parent will wait until all children finish.

Run Software Simulation

Next, let’s actually run the program. We will need a host program to driver the kernel.

void VecAdd(tapa::mmap<const float> a_array, tapa::mmap<const float> b_array,
            tapa::mmap<float> c_array, uint64_t n);

int main()
vector<float> a(n);
vector<float> b(n);
vector<float> c(n);
tapa::invoke(VecAdd, FLAGS_bitstream, tapa::read_only_mmap<const float>(a),
             tapa::read_only_mmap<const float>(b),
             tapa::write_only_mmap<float>(c), n);

The top-level kernel function is called using tapa::invoke so that software simulation, hardware simulation, and on-board execution can share the same piece of code. tapa::invoke takes a variable number of arguments. The first argument is the top-level kernel function, which needs to be declared ahead of time. The second argument is the path to the desired bitstream. If this argument is an empty string, software simulation will run. The rest of the arguments are passed to the top-level kernel function. In our vector add example, we allocate 3 vector<float> for a, b, and c, respectively. a and b are passed to tapa::invoke as tapa::read_only_mmap because the kernel reads but not writes them. Similarly, c is passed as tapa::write_only_mmap because the kernel writes but not reads them. Scalar values like the vector length n are passed to the kernel directly.


tapa::read_only_mmap and tapa::write_only_mmap only specify the host-kernel communication behavior. They do not control nor check whether the kernel really reads or writes a memory-mapped argument. Under the hood, tapa::read_only_mmap just tells the host program that this memory space should be transferred to the FPGA before launching the kernel, and it does not need to be transferred back to the host when the kernel finishes. tapa::write_only_mmap just tells the host program that this memory space do not need to be transferred to the FPGA before launching, but it should be transferred back to the host when the kernel finishes. Two other possible alternatives are tapa::read_write_mmap and tapa::placeholder_mmap.


Scalar values are always read-only to the kernel.

The vector add example is one of the application examples shipped with TAPA.

git clone https://github.com/UCLA-VAST/tapa
cd tapa/apps/vadd
g++ -o vadd -O2 vadd.cpp vadd-host.cpp -ltapa -lfrt -lglog -lgflags -lOpenCL

You should be able to see something like:

elapsed time: 0.334634 s

By default, the host program will add two \(2^{20}\)-element vectors. This can be changed by supplying an argument to the command line:

./vadd 1000

This time the elapsed time should be much shorter:

elapsed time: 0.0126179 s

The above runs software simulation of the program, which helps you quickly verify the correctness.

Synthesize into RTL

The next step is to synthesize it. The first step would be to run high-level synthesize (HLS):

platform=xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2  # replace with your target platform
tapac -o vadd.$platform.hw.xo vadd.cpp \
  --platform $platform \
  --top VecAdd \
  --work-dir vadd.$platform.hw.xo.tapa

If you do not intend to use the Vitis backend, you could use --part-num instead. In this case, you must provide the target clock period as well.

partnum=xcu250-figd2104-2L-e  # replace with your target partnum
tapac -o vadd.$platform.hw.xo vadd.cpp \
  --part-num $partnum \
  --clock-period 3.33 \
  --top VecAdd \
  --work-dir vadd.$platform.hw.xo.tapa

This will take a couple of minutes. HLS reports will be available in the working directory vadd.$platform.hw.xo.tapa/report.

Run Hardware Simulation with Vitis

To generate bitstream for hardware simulation:

v++ -o vadd.$platform.hw_emu.xclbin \
  --link \
  --target hw_emu \
  --kernel VecAdd \
  --platform $platform \

This would take 5–10 minutes.

TAPA will automatically generate a script called vadd.$platform.hw_generate_bitstream.sh that includes the command to invoke v++.

To run hardware simulation with the generated hw_emu bitstream:

./vadd --bitstream=vadd.$platform.hw_emu.xclbin 1000

It will take about half a minute until it says

INFO: Loading vadd.xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2.hw_emu.xclbin
INFO: Found platform: Xilinx
INFO: Found device: xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2
INFO: Using xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2
INFO: [HW-EMU 01] Hardware emulation runs simulation underneath. Using a large data set will result in long simulation times. It is recommended that a small dataset is used for faster execution. The flow uses approximate models for DDR memory and interconnect and hence the performance data generated is approximate.
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::AllocBuf(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 0
XRT build version: 2.8.743
Build hash: 77d5484b5c4daa691a7f78235053fb036829b1e9
Build date: 2020-11-16 00:19:11
Git branch: 2020.2
PID: 233333
UID: 1000
[Fri Sep 17 04:38:27 2021 GMT]
HOST: foo
EXE: /path/to/tapa/apps/vadd/vadd
[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x55ca5dc41af0' detected, this leads to extra memcpy
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 0
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::AllocBuf(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 1
[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x55ca5dc42aa0' detected, this leads to extra memcpy
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 1
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::AllocBuf(int, fpga::ReadOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = float]’ called with index = 2
[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x55ca5dc43a50' detected, this leads to extra memcpy
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, fpga::ReadOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = float]’ called with index = 2
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, T&&) [with T = long unsigned int]’ called with index = 3
INFO: [HW-EMU 06-0] Waiting for the simulator process to exit
INFO: [HW-EMU 06-1] All the simulator processes exited successfully
elapsed time: 31.0901 s


We are using std::vector in the above example so the memory-mapped variables are not aligned to page boundaries. As a result, host-kernel communication requires an extra memory copy and XRT issues this warning:

[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x55ca5dc41af0' detected, this leads to extra memcpy

You can use std::vector<T, tapa::aligned_allocator<T>> instead of std::vector to allocate memory with aligned addresses and get rid of this extra copy.

Run Hardware Simulation with TAPA Simulator

Simply replace the vadd.$platform.hw_emu.xclbin by the previously generated xo object. See this tutorial for more details.

./vadd --bitstream=vadd.$platform.hw.xo 1000

Generate Bitstream

When we synthesize the C++ program into RTL, TAPA will also generate a script named ${top_name}_generate_bitstream.sh along with the .xo file. To generate bitstream, simply run this script. This would take several hours.

bash VecAdd_generate_bitstream.sh

What the script does is to invoke the Vitis v++ compiler that takes in the .xo object and generate the hardware bitstream.

Execute on an FPGA

To run the hardware accelerator with the generated hw bitstream:

./vadd --bitstream=vadd.$platform.hw.xclbin

The output messages are similar to hardware simulation but on-board execution runs much faster (note that we are running the full \(2^{20}\)-element vectors and the elapsed time includes the FPGA reconfiguration time, if necessary).

INFO: Found platform: Xilinx
INFO: Found device: xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3
INFO: Found device: xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2
INFO: Using xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::AllocBuf(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 0
XRT build version: 2.9.317
Build hash: b0230e59e22351fb957dc46a6e68d7560e5f630c
Build date: 2021-03-13 05:10:45
Git branch: 2020.2_PU1
PID: 23333
UID: 1000
[Fri Sep 17 20:01:23 2021 GMT]
HOST: foo
EXE: /path/to/tapa/apps/vadd/vadd
[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x7f258dd0b010' detected, this leads to extra memcpy
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 0
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::AllocBuf(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 1
[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x7f258d90a010' detected, this leads to extra memcpy
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, fpga::WriteOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = const float]’ called with index = 1
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::AllocBuf(int, fpga::ReadOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = float]’ called with index = 2
[XRT] WARNING: unaligned host pointer '0x7f258d509010' detected, this leads to extra memcpy
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, fpga::ReadOnlyBuffer<T>) [with T = float]’ called with index = 2
DEBUG: Function ‘void fpga::Instance::SetArg(int, T&&) [with T = long unsigned int]’ called with index = 3
elapsed time: 7.48926 s


We are using the same host executable for software simulation, hardware simulation, and on-board execution.

Using CMake

This section covers the steps to use CMake to simplify the synthesis and implementation process.

The commands to run HLS and FPGA implementation are too long to type manually, aren’t they? You could write your own shell scripts to reuse the commands. Better, you can leverage CMake to achieve incremental compilation.


GNU or BSD Make can do incremental compilation as well, but it gets really messy to define generic build rules and reuse Makefile itself.

TAPA provides some convenient CMake functions and uses them in the CMakeLists.txt files for the application examples. Let’s redo the vector add example with CMake.

The first step to use CMake is to install it:

python3 -m pip install cmake --upgrade

CMake separates generated files from the source code. We should create a build directory for the generated files and run cmake in it:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
  /path/to/tapa/apps/vadd \             # can be relative or absolute path
  -DPLATFORM=xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2  # replace with your target platform

To generate the host executable and run software simulation:

make vadd -j8   # replace with your core count

To generate the XO file via HLS:

make vadd-hw-xo

To generate the hardware emulation bitstream and run hardware emulation:

make vadd-cosim

To generate the on-board bitstream and run on-board execution:

make vadd-hw


If CMake returns an error, please check cmake --version. CMake 3.13 or higher is required, which can be easily installed via pip install cmake. If you have installed an appropriate version of CMake but still encounter problems, please check which cmake to see the full path of CMake in use. If your PATH is polluted by environmental setup scripts, please make sure you prepend the path containing cmake (e.g., ${HOME}/.local/bin) to PATH after all such scripts are sourced.