Optimization with RapidStream


This part guides you through the basic usage of RapidStream for optimizing TAPA FPGA dataflow accelerators. It assumes you have installed TAPA and RapidStream and have generated a TAPA design into an XO file. If you haven’t, please refer to the Getting Started guide.

We’ll cover the steps of generating a virtual device, configuring the floorplan process, and running the partition-and-pipeline optimization to create an optimized TAPA design. We’ll also explore how to customize the target device and control the floorplan process for design space exploration.

Getting Started

To begin optimizing your TAPA design with RapidStream, follow these steps:

Step 1: Generate a Virtual Device

First, create a virtual device representing your target FPGA. Here’s an example using a pre-defined U55C Vitis device:

from rapidstream import get_u55c_vitis_device_factory

# Set the Vitis platform name
factory = get_u55c_vitis_device_factory("xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1")
# Generate the virtual device in JSON format


To create a virtual device for your own FPGA, you can customize the DeviceFactory object. We’ll cover this in more detail later.

Save this code to a file named gen_device.py and run it using the rapidstream executable:

rapidstream gen_device.py


Please install RapidStream and a valid license before running the rapidstream executable.

Step 2: Configure the Floorplanning Process

Next, create a configuration file for the floorplanning process. Here’s a simple example that assigns all ports to SLOT_X0Y0:

from rapidstream import FloorplanConfig

config = FloorplanConfig(
    port_pre_assignments={".*": "SLOT_X0Y0:SLOT_X0Y0"},

Save this code to a file named gen_floorplan_config.py and run it:

rapidstream gen_floorplan_config.py

Step 3: Configure the Pipelining Process

Then, create another configuration file for the pipelining process. Here’s an example that sets the pipeline scheme to using a single flip-flop per slot crossing:

from rapidstream import PipelineConfig

config = PipelineConfig(

Save this code to a file named gen_pipeline_config.py and run it:

rapidstream gen_pipeline_config.py

Step 4: Run Partition-and-Pipeline Optimization

Finally, use the rapidstream-tapaopt executable to perform the partition-and-pipeline optimization:

rapidstream-tapaopt \
    --work-dir ./build \
    --tapa-xo-path [path-to-xo-file] \
    --device-config u55c_device.json \
    --floorplan-config floorplan_config.json \
    --pipeline-config pipeline_config.json

This command generates a new XO file with the optimized design.

Customizing the Target Device

You can create a custom VirtualDevice for your specific FPGA. Here’s how to model a U55C FPGA as a 3x2 grid:

Step 1: Determine the Grid Size

RapidStream views each device as a grid of slots. During the floorplan process, task modules are assigned to these slots. The goal is to balance resource use across all slots while keeping connections between slots to a minimum. This approach helps optimize the device’s layout and performance.

We use the DeviceFactory utility to represent the U55C FPGA as a 3x2 grid in this example. We chose this size because the U55C has three Super Logic Regions (SLRs), and we usually split one SLR into two slots.

from rapidstream import DeviceFactory
df = DeviceFactory(row=3, col=2, part_num="xcu55c-fsvh2892-2L-e")

Step 2: Set Slot Pblocks

You need to set the pblock range for each slot using Vivado’s format. Each line should start with either -add or -remove. Here’s an example:

for x in range(2):
    for y in range(3):
        pblock = f"-add CLOCKREGION_X{x*4}Y{y*4}:CLOCKREGION_X{x*4+3}Y{y*4+3}"
        df.set_slot_pblock(x, y, [pblock])

Step 3: Extract Slot Resources

We offer a tool to automatically count the resources in each slot. RapidStream uses Vivado to create pblocks and gather information about all physical resources in each slot. You can also manually enter or change this information using the set_slot_area and reduce_slot_area functions.

To use the automatic tool, you can run this command:


This will get the resource information for all slots in your design and save it in the device factory object.

Step 4: Set Inter-Slot Capacity

You need to set the number of wires capacity between each pair of slots.

# Set North/South SLR crossing capacity
for x in range(2):
    df.set_slot_capacity(x, 0, north=11520)
    df.set_slot_capacity(x, 1, north=11520)

    df.set_slot_capacity(x, 1, south=11520)
    df.set_slot_capacity(x, 2, south=11520)

# Set East/West wire limits
for y in range(2):
    df.set_slot_capacity(0, y, east=40320)
    df.set_slot_capacity(1, y, west=40320)

df.set_slot_capacity(0, 2, east=41178)
df.set_slot_capacity(1, 2, west=41178)

This code sets the wire limits between slots in different directions (north, south, east, west). The numbers represent how many wires RapidStream is allowed to connect between each pair of slots.

Step 5: Generate Virtual Device

Generate a JSON file to save the device configuration:


This line creates a JSON file named u55c_device.json that contains the configuration details for the virtual device. You can use this file in the floorplan process as an argument to the --device-config option.

Controlling the Floorplanning

Constrain IO Locations

You need to tell RapidStream which slot each port should connect to. You do this by giving it a dictionary through the port_pre_assignments setting of the FloorplanConfig object. Here’s an example:

from rapidstream import FloorplanConfig

config = FloorplanConfig(
    port_pre_assignments={".*": "SLOT_X0Y0:SLOT_X0Y0"},


You can use regular expression patterns to match port names. For example, the above code assigns all ports (".*") to slot SLOT_X0Y0.

Constrain Cell Locations

At the same time, you can use the cell_pre_assignments setting to put specific parts of your design in specific slots. Its usage is similar to port_pre_assignments except that it applies to cells instead of ports, and the pattern is matched against the cell’s hierarchical name.

Reproducing the Floorplan of Previous Runs

Since the ILP-based floorplanning is non-deterministic, you may want to reproduce your previous floorplan and tune other stages. RapidStream generates a floorplan checkpoint floorplan.json for each solution under the <--work-dir>/dse/solution_* directory. You can copy the dictionary in it, e.g.,

   "FloatvAddFloatv_0": "SLOT_X2Y0:SLOT_X2Y0",
   "FloatvAddFloatv_1": "SLOT_X1Y1:SLOT_X1Y1",
   "...": "..."

and paste it into the floorplan configuration python script or json file, as the value of the cell_pre_assignments attribute, e.g.,

   "...": "...",
   "cell_pre_assignments": {
      "FloatvAddFloatv_0": "SLOT_X2Y0:SLOT_X2Y0",
      "FloatvAddFloatv_1": "SLOT_X1Y1:SLOT_X1Y1",
      "...": "..."
   "...": "..."

Then, you can start the next run by giving --floorplan-config the updated floorplan configuration floorplan_config.json above.

Controlling the Pipelining

Reproducing the Pipelining Result of Previous Runs

Similar to floorplanning, the pipelining result is also non-deterministic. RapidStream generates a pipeline checkpoint pipeline.json for each solution under the <--work-dir>/dse/solution_* directory. You can copy the dictionary in it, e.g.,

   "1000_fifo_aBvec_12_reset": [
      [0, 2], [0, 1], [0, 0]
   "1001_fifo_aBvec_13_reset": [
      [0, 2], [0, 1], [0, 0]
   "...": "..."

and paste it into the pipeline configuration python script or json file, as the value of the nets_pre_assigned attribute, e.g.,

   "...": "...",
   "nets_pre_assigned": {
      "1000_fifo_aBvec_12_reset": [
         [0, 2], [0, 1], [0, 0]
      "1001_fifo_aBvec_13_reset": [
         [0, 2], [0, 1], [0, 0]
      "...": "..."
   "...": "..."

Then, you can start the next run by giving --pipeline-config the updated pipeline configuration pipeline_config.json above.

Design Space Exploration

TAPA offers flexibility in pipeline design between tasks, creating a large design space for optimization. Here are key parameters you can adjust:

Grid Size

RapidStream models an FPGA device as a grid of slots, assigning each task module to one slot. This spreads logic evenly across the device to reduce local congestion and introduces pipelines between slots to avoid global critical paths. Consider these factors when choosing grid size:

  1. Runtime: RapidStream uses integer linear programming (ILP) to map tasks to slots. Runtime increases with the number of slots exponentially. You can choose between two partition methods:

  • Flat: Better QoR but slower for complex designs with many tasks and connections. This is the default method.

  • Multi-level: Faster but may provide less optimal partition results. You may choose this method using the partition_strategy parameter in the FloorplanConfig object, setting it to multi-level.


Different partition methods may lead to different optimization results and runtime. If the ILP solver takes too long, you can set a maximum runtime with the max_seconds parameter. This restricts the optimization results to those found within the time limit.

  1. Fragmentation: When there are too many small slots, the floorplan process might fail because the space is too divided. For example, if you try to fit three equal-sized tasks into a 2x1 grid, one slot will have too much space while the other won’t have enough. RapidStream won’t split tasks into smaller parts. So, users should:

  • Avoid Small Slots: Don’t set the slot size too small.

  • Avoid Large Tasks: Large tasks reduce floorplan flexibility. Large tasks make it harder to arrange things on the floorplan.


The grids should be large enough to accommodate all tasks and avoid fragmentation.

  1. Effectiveness: If the slots are too big, the floorplan might not guide the placer well enough. For example, if we treat a whole SLR (Super Logic Region) as one slot, there could still be a lot of crowding in certain areas within that SLR. This means the placer might not have enough detailed information to spread out the components evenly.


The grids should be fine-grained enough to guide the placer to spread out the components evenly. A trade-off point should be found in the middle.

Slot Usage Limit

RapidStream ensures each slot’s resource utilization stays below a set limit. Adjusting this limit affects the final implementation:

  • Lower Utilization: More spread out design, less local congestion, more global wires.

  • Higher Utilization: More concentrated design, more local congestion, fewer global wires.


You can control the range with the dse_range_min and dse_range_max parameters in the FloorplanConfig object. RapidStream’s design space exploration (DSE) algorithm will generate multiple floorplan schemes within the range.


Set the range to a reasonable value to avoid too many or too few floorplan schemes in suboptimal ranges.

Pre-Existing Resource Usage

If certain resources are already in use by external components outside the TAPA design, adjust the virtual device accordingly to reserve these resources. This can be accomplished using the set_slot_area or reduce_slot_area API to fine-tune resource usage for each slot.

For example, when using a TAPA design with the Vitis system, it typically instantiates various controllers (such as DDR and HBM) and other system components, connecting them to the TAPA design. These system components are implemented in the user dynamic region alongside the TAPA design. To avoid potential congestion issues and ensure accurate resource utilization estimates, it’s crucial to reserve appropriate resources for these components in the virtual device. Failing to do so may result in actual slot utilization exceeding expectations, potentially leading to local congestion issues.


set_slot_area and reduce_slot_area can be used to reserve resources for external components.

Inter-Slot Routing

RapidStream determines the optimal path for inter-slot stream connections by selecting appropriate intermediate slots. This process aims to balance wire usage across all slot boundaries. For instance, when connecting slot X0Y0 to X1Y1, RapidStream chooses between routing through X0Y1 or X1Y0 based on available wire capacity.

RapidStream prioritizes less congested paths. If the capacity between X0Y0 and X1Y0 is 10,000 wires, while X0Y0 to X0Y1 is only 500, RapidStream is likely to route through X1Y0. To address congestion issues, users can adjust wire capacity using the set_slot_capacity API, potentially guiding RapidStream to select alternative routes. RapidStream will automatically generate U-shaped detours to help alleviate congestion in direct paths.

RapidStream typically inserts two flip-flops (FFs) per slot crossing for pipelining. However, in cases of high FF usage, this approach may cause additional resource congestion. Users can opt for a single FF per crossing by setting the pp_scheme attribute to single in a pipeline configuration json file, and pass the file to RapidStream using the --pipeline-config option in the rapidstream-tapaopt command. pp_scheme can also be set to single_h_double_v to use a single FF for horizontal crossings and two FFs for vertical crossings. Its default value is double.


set_slot_capacity can be used for rerouting stream connections. And pp_scheme can be used to control FF usage for inter-slot pipelining.