Getting Started with TAPA


This guide introduces the basic usage of RapidStream TAPA for creating FPGA dataflow accelerators. It assumes you have installed TAPA and guides you through creating a simple vector adder, compiling it for software simulation, synthesizing it into RTL, and running hardware simulation using the generated RTL.

We’ll cover fundamental concepts and usage of RapidStream TAPA. If you’re migrating from Vitis HLS, see the Migrating from Vitis HLS tutorial.


Let’s start with a simple vector addition example using RapidStream TAPA:

// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <cstdint>

#include <tapa.h>

void Add(tapa::istream<float>& a, tapa::istream<float>& b,
         tapa::ostream<float>& c, uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    c << ( +;

void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<const float> mmap, uint64_t n,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream << mmap[i];

void Stream2Mmap(tapa::istream<float>& stream, tapa::mmap<float> mmap,
                 uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream >> mmap[i];

void VecAdd(tapa::mmap<const float> a, tapa::mmap<const float> b,
            tapa::mmap<float> c, uint64_t n) {
  tapa::stream<float> a_q("a");
  tapa::stream<float> b_q("b");
  tapa::stream<float> c_q("c");

      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, a, n, a_q)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, b, n, b_q)
      .invoke(Add, a_q, b_q, c_q, n)
      .invoke(Stream2Mmap, c_q, c, n);

Find the complete source code in the vadd.cpp file in the tests/apps/vadd directory of the TAPA repository. Save it as vadd.cpp to follow along using command line tools.

This code adds two variable-length float vectors, a and b, to produce a new vector c. It uses four C++ functions: Add, Mmap2Stream, Stream2Mmap, and VecAdd. Each represents a task in the TAPA dataflow graph. The VecAdd task instantiates the other three tasks and defines communication channels between them.

Let’s examine each function:

Task Add

void Add(tapa::istream<float>& a, tapa::istream<float>& b,
         tapa::ostream<float>& c, uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    c << ( +;

The Add function takes four arguments:

  • Input Streams: tapa::istream<float>& a, tapa::istream<float>& b

  • Output Stream: tapa::ostream<float>& c

  • Scalar Parameter: uint64_t n

It performs element-wise addition of two vectors by reading from streams a and b, adding the elements, and writing the sum to stream c. The vector size is specified by n.

To read from an input stream: +

To write to an output stream:

c << ( +;


Use & in the function signature to pass streams by reference. TAPA compiler will fail if you pass streams by value.

Tasks Mmap2Stream and Stream2Mmap

void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<const float> mmap, uint64_t n,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream << mmap[i];

The Mmap2Stream function reads an input vector from DRAM and writes it to a stream. It takes three arguments:

It reads from the memory referenced by mmap:


And writes to the stream stream:

stream << mmap[i];

The mmap argument is a memory-mapped interface, typically on-board DRAM for FPGAs. It’s accessed like a C++ array const float mmap[n].


Pass the mmap object by value, as it’s a pointer to the memory space.

The Stream2Mmap function performs the reverse operation, reading from the stream and writing to the memory-mapped interface.

Upper-Level Task VecAdd

void VecAdd(tapa::mmap<const float> a, tapa::mmap<const float> b,
            tapa::mmap<float> c, uint64_t n) {
  tapa::stream<float> a_q("a");
  tapa::stream<float> b_q("b");
  tapa::stream<float> c_q("c");

      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, a, n, a_q)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, b, n, b_q)
      .invoke(Add, a_q, b_q, c_q, n)
      .invoke(Stream2Mmap, c_q, c, n);

The VecAdd function instantiates three nested tasks and defines communication channels between them. It takes four arguments:


As an upper-level task, VecAdd can only contain task instantiations and communication channel definitions in the function body, as shown above.

It defines three communication channels: a_q, b_q, and c_q to connect the child tasks:

tapa::stream<float> a_q("a");
tapa::stream<float> b_q("b");
tapa::stream<float> c_q("c");

To instantiate child tasks, it uses the invoke method of the tapa::task object:

tapa::task().invoke(Mmap2Stream, a, n, a_q) // ...

All four tasks run in parallel. The VecAdd task waits for all child tasks to finish before returning.

Host Driver Program

To invoke the TAPA task on FPGA, you need a host program. Here’s an example to run the VecAdd kernel:

void VecAdd(tapa::mmap<const float> a_array, tapa::mmap<const float> b_array,
            tapa::mmap<float> c_array, uint64_t n);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  vector<float> a(n);
  vector<float> b(n);
  vector<float> c(n);

  // ...
  tapa::invoke(VecAdd, path_to_bitstream,
               tapa::read_only_mmap<const float>(a),
               tapa::read_only_mmap<const float>(b),
  // ...

Find the full host code in the vadd-host.cpp file in the tests/apps/vadd directory of the TAPA repository.


Host code must be in a separate file from kernel code. The kernel code is compiled into an FPGA bitstream or simulation target, while the host code is compiled into a host executable.


Only one kernel code file can be compiled with TAPA. To split the kernel into multiple files, use C++ headers and include them in the main kernel file.

Task Invocation

The tapa::invoke function starts the top-level task, VecAdd. It supports software simulation, hardware simulation, and on-board execution with the same program.

tapa::invoke takes:

  1. The top-level kernel function (declared ahead of time)

  2. The path to the desired bitstream (empty string for software simulation)

  3. The rest of the arguments are passed to the top-level kernel function


tapa::invoke(VecAdd, path_to_bitstream,
             tapa::read_only_mmap<const float>(a),
             tapa::read_only_mmap<const float>(b),

a and b are passed as read-only memory-mapped arguments (tapa::read_only_mmap), and c as tapa::write_only_mmap. Scalar values like n are passed directly.


Scalar values are always read-only to the kernel.

Host Compilation

To compile the example host code, pass both the kernel and host code to the TAPA compiler using the tapa g++ -- command:

tapa g++ -- vadd.cpp vadd-host.cpp -o vadd

This generates the host executable vadd.


tapa g++ -- is a wrapper around the GNU C++ compiler that includes necessary TAPA headers and libraries. It outputs the g++ command invoked for reference.


The kernel code file should also be included in the compilation command, as it is used for software simulation.

Software Simulation

When tapa::invoke is called with an empty string as the bitstream path, TAPA will simulate the kernel in software. In the example host driver program, the bitstream path is passed as a command line argument. To run the software simulation, execute the host program with no arguments:



I20000101 00:00:00.000000 0000000 task.h:66] running software simulation with TAPA library
kernel time: 1.19429 s

The first line indicates that the software simulation is running, instead of hardware simulation with the RTL or on-board execution on FPGA. Later, we will use the same executable file for hardware simulation and on-board execution.

The above runs software simulation of the program, which helps you quickly verify the correctness of your task design.

Synthesis into RTL

To synthesize the design into RTL:

tapa \
  compile \
  --top VecAdd \
  --part-num xcu250-figd2104-2L-e \
  --clock-period 3.33 \
  -f vadd.cpp \
  -o vecadd.xo

This compiles vadd.cpp into an RTL design named vecadd.xo. The --top argument specifies the top-level task to be synthesized. The --part-num argument specifies the target FPGA part number. The --clock-period argument specifies the target clock period in nanoseconds.


Replace --part-num and --clock-period with --platform to specify the target Vitis platform (e.g., --platform xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1 for Xilinx U250).

HLS reports will be available in work.out/report.

Hardware Simulation

Run hardware simulation using the generated RTL by passing the XO file as the bitstream path of the tapa::invoke function. For the vector addition example host program, use --bitstream=vecadd.xo to change the argument:

./vadd --bitstream=vecadd.xo 1000

See Simulation and RTL Cosimulation for more details.

On-Board Execution

To generate the Xilinx hardware binary (xclbin) for on-board execution:

v++ -o vadd.xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1.hw.xclbin \
  --link \
  --target hw \
  --kernel VecAdd \
  --platform xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1 \

Hardware binary generation may take several hours. The binary is generated for the specified platform as vadd.xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1.hw.xclbin.

To execute the hardware accelerator on an FPGA:

./vadd --bitstream=vadd.xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1.hw.xclbin

See Hardware Implementation for more details.