Dataflow Movements


TAPA offers several features for data movements, extending the capabilities of Vitis HLS to enhance the flexibility and expressiveness of your designs.

This section covers various aspects of data movement in TAPA, including stream operations, memory-mapped interfaces, and asynchronous memory access.

Dataflow Channels (Stream)

Streams are the primary data movement mechanism in TAPA. They are used to transfer data between tasks and modules in a dataflow design. TAPA provides stream as the instantiation of a single data channel, which is a FIFO queue with a single reader and writer. stream variables are supplied as parameters to tasks to transfer data between them.

tapa::stream<int> channel_1;

TAPA employs distinct tapa::istream<T>& and tapa::ostream<T>& classes for input and output communications. An istream is used to read data from a stream, while an ostream is used to write data to a stream. A task should specify the direction of data flow for each stream parameter.

This approach visually clarifies interface directions in the source code, and enhances IDE code completion accuracy, suggesting only relevant functions (e.g., read for input streams only):

void Task(tapa::istream<int>& in, tapa::ostream<int>& out) {
  int data =;


The stream formal parameters of a task must be a reference to the stream, i.e., istream<T>& and ostream<T>&, as the stream object is not copyable and the parameter should be pointing to the same stream object.

In this example, the Task function reads an integer from the input stream in and writes it to the output stream out. To invoke this task, you can use the invoke method of the task object:

void Top() {
  tapa::stream<int> channel_1;
  tapa::stream<int> channel_2;
  tapa::task().invoke(Task, channel_1, channel_2)
  // ... other tasks

Stream Instantiation

Streams are instantiated using the stream class template. The template parameter specifies the data type of the stream. For example, to create a stream of integers, you can use the following code:

tapa::stream<int> channel;


To avoid deadlocks and boost performance, it is recommended to set the depth of the FIFO queue to a value that is large enough to hold the in-flight data tokens.

The stream template could accept an additional template parameter to specify the depth of the FIFO queue. By default, the depth is set to 2. In order to specify a different depth, you can use the following code:

tapa::stream<int, 16> channel;

TAPA’s software simulation considers the stream depth and blocks the writer when the stream is full, in contrast to Vitis HLS. This behavior is more realistic and helps avoid deadlocks in the hardware implementation.

A stream could optionally be named for debugging purposes. The name is used in the log messages to identify the stream. For example:

tapa::stream<int> channel("channel");


TAPA uses the stream class template to instantiate streams. The depth of the FIFO queue can be specified as an additional template parameter. For debugging purposes, a stream can be named.

Stream Read and Write

Streams provide two primary operations: read and write. The read operation reads a token from the stream in a blocking manner, while the write operation writes a token to the stream. The following code demonstrates the use of the read and write operations:

void Task(tapa::istream<int>& in, tapa::ostream<int>& out) {
  int data =;


A shortcut for reading and writing tokens is to use the << and >> operators.

To read from multiple streams simultaneously when data is available, achieve an initiation interval of one, and improve performance, TAPA provides non-blocking read and write operations. The try_read and try_write operations return a boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful. The following code demonstrates the use of non-blocking read and write operations:

void Task(tapa::istream<int>& in, tapa::ostream<int>& out) {
  int data;
  bool success = in.try_read(data);
  if (success) {


The read and write operations are used to read from and write to streams. TAPA provides non-blocking read and write operations through the try_read and try_write methods.

Stream Readiness Check

TAPA provides an API to check if a stream has data available for reading. This is useful when you need to make decisions based on the availability of data in the stream:

void Task(tapa::istream<int>& in, tapa::ostream<int>& out) {
  if (!in.empty()) {
    int data =;

For output streams, you can use the full() method to check if the stream is full and cannot accept more data:

void Task(tapa::istream<int>& in, tapa::ostream<int>& out) {
  if (!out.full()) {
    int data =;


TAPA provides the empty() method to check if a stream has data available for reading, and the full() method to check if a stream is full and cannot accept more data.

Stream Data Peeking

TAPA provides non-destructive read (peek) functionality for streams, allowing you to read a token without removing it. This is useful when computations depend on the content of input tokens, such as in switch networks.

Example usage from the TAPA network app:

for (bool is_valid_0, is_valid_1;;) {
  const auto pkt_0 = pkt_in_q0.peek(valid_0);
  const auto pkt_1 = pkt_in_q1.peek(valid_1);
  // Make decisions based on peeked values
  if (...);
  if (...);

This example demonstrates the use of the peeking API through an implementation of a 3-stage 8×8 Omega network. At the core of this multi-stage switch network is a 2×2 switch box, which routes input packets based on a specific bit in their destination address. This destination address is embedded within the packet itself.

To illustrate, consider a packet from pkt_in_q0 with a destination of 2 (binary 010). If we’re focusing on bit 1 (using 0-based indexing), this packet should be directed to pkt_out_q[1]. Similarly, if a packet from pkt_in_q1 has a destination of 7 (binary 111), it would also be routed to pkt_out_q[1]. However, since only one token can be written per clock cycle, a decision must be made regarding which packet to prioritize.

This decision-making process needs to occur before removing any tokens from the input channels (streams). The code accomplishes this by first peeking at the input stream using peek to examine the destinations without consuming the data. Based on these peeked destinations, it determines which inputs can be processed.


.peek() returns the token’s value and validity, but does not consume the token from the stream.


TAPA allows sending special end-of-transaction (EoT) tokens to denote the end of a data stream. This is particularly useful in dataflow optimizations where proper kernel termination is required.

For example, SODA is a highly parallel microarchitecture for stencil applications. It is implemented using dataflow optimization. However, this approach requires proper termination of each kernel.

Traditionally, this is achieved by broadcasting the loop trip-count to each kernel function. However, this method necessitates an adder in each function, which can be resource-intensive, especially for small kernel modules.

TAPA offers a more resource-efficient solution to this problem. It allows kernels to send a special “End of Transaction” (EoT) token to signify completion. This approach is demonstrated in the jacobi stencil example provided with TAPA:

The producer, Mmap2Stream, sends an EoT token by closing the stream by calling stream.close():

void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<const float> mmap, uint64_t n,
                 tapa::ostream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>>& stream) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(2)]] for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    tapa::vec_t<float, 2> tmp;
    tmp.set(0, mmap[i * 2]);
    tmp.set(1, mmap[i * 2 + 1]);

Downstream modules, such as Stream2Mmap in this example, can decide on program termination by checking for the EoT token by checking on the eot flag returned by try_eot():

void Stream2Mmap(tapa::istream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>>& stream,
                 tapa::mmap<float> mmap) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(2)]] for (uint64_t i = 0;;) {
    bool eot;
    if (stream.try_eot(eot)) {
      if (eot) break;
      auto packed =;
      mmap[i * 2] = packed[0];
      mmap[i * 2 + 1] = packed[1];

In summary, the API for EoT tokens in TAPA is as follows:

// Producer

// Consumer
bool eot;
if (stream.try_eot(eot)) {
  if (eot) break;
  // Process data


The downstream could reopen the stream by calling after the EoT token is detected. In this way, the stream can be reused for multiple transactions.


TAPA supports the close() and try_eot() APIs to close a stream and check for the EoT token, respectively.

Memory-Mapped (MMAP)

Memory-mapped interfaces are used to access external memory in TAPA. They provide a simple and efficient way to read and write data to and from memory in a dataflow design. TAPA provides the mmap class template to represent memory-mapped interfaces.

void Task(tapa::mmap<const int> mem) {
  int data = mem[0];

In this example, the Task function reads an integer from the memory-mapped interface mem. tapa::mmap can only be supplied as a parameter to tasks and cannot be used as a local variable, as it represents an external memory interface.


The memory-mapped interface formal parameters of a task must be passed by value, i.e., mmap<T>. Passing by reference is not allowed.


TAPA provides the mmap class template to represent memory-mapped memory interfaces, passed by value as formal parameters to tasks.

MMAP Instantiation

Memory spaces could be allocated on the stack or heap on the host side and passed to the FPGA kernel as arguments. For example, to create a memory-mapped space of integers, you can use the following code:

std::vector<int> vec(16);

However, if the allocated memory space is not aligned to page boundaries, an extra memory copy is required for host-kernel communication. To resolve this issue and eliminate the extra copy, you can use a specialized vector with aligned memory allocation:

std::vector<int, tapa::aligned_allocator<int>> vec(16);


TAPA maps host memory to FPGA memory using memory-mapped interfaces by passing the memory space as arguments to the FPGA kernel.

MMAP Argument Passing

The top-level task can be invoked with memory-mapped interfaces as arguments. The direction of data flow should be specified in the task invocation:

tapa::invoke(Task, path_to_bitstream,

Similarly, write-only memory-mapped interfaces can be passed to the task as tapa::write_only_mmap, and read-write memory-mapped interfaces can be passed as tapa::read_write_mmap.


tapa::read_only_mmap and tapa::write_only_mmap only specify host-kernel communication behavior, not kernel access patterns.

For passing memory-mapped interfaces to nested tasks, use the invoke method of the task object and pass the memory-mapped interface as values:

void NestedTask(tapa::mmap<const int> mem) {
  // Task logic

void Task(tapa::mmap<const int> mem) {
  tapa::task().invoke(NestedTask, mem);


TAPA requires the direction of data flow to be specified in the top-level task invocation. Memory-mapped interfaces can be passed to nested tasks as values.

Memory Access

Memory-mapped interfaces can be accessed using the array subscript operator [] as if they were arrays:

void Task(tapa::mmap<const int> mem) {
  int data = mem[0];


Memory-mapped interfaces can be accessed as if they were arrays.

Stream and MMAP Arrays

TAPA supports arrays of streams (istreams/ostreams) and memory-mapped interfaces (mmaps) to facilitate parameterized designs and reduce code repetition (tapa::streams/tapa::mmaps). This feature is particularly useful for creating flexible, scalable designs.


A singleton stream or mmap is insufficient for parameterized designs. For example, the network app shipped with TAPA defines an 8×8 switch network. What if we want to use a 16×16 network? Or 4×4? TAPA allows parameterization of network size through arrays of stream/mmap and batch invocation.

With TAPA, you can define arrays of streams and memory-mapped interfaces and invoking multiple tasks in parallel using invoke<..., n>, where n is the number of invocations:

  1. For each task instantiation, the streams or mmaps array arguments are accessed in sequence from the array, distributing the elements across multiple invocations.

  2. If the formal parameter is a singleton (istream, ostream, mmap, async_mmap), only one element in the array is accessed.

  3. If the formal parameter is an array (istreams, ostreams, mmaps), the number of elements accessed is determined by the array length of the formal parameter.

Example usage from the TAPA network app:

void Switch2x2(int b, istream<pkt_t>& pkt_in_q0, istream<pkt_t>& pkt_in_q1,
               ostreams<pkt_t, 2>& pkt_out_q) {

void InnerStage(int b, istreams<pkt_t, kN / 2>& in_q0,
                istreams<pkt_t, kN / 2>& in_q1, ostreams<pkt_t, kN> out_q) {
  task().invoke<detach, kN / 2>(Switch2x2, b, in_q0, in_q1, out_q);

In the InnerStage function:

  1. It instantiates the Switch2x2 task kN / 2 times using a single invoke<..., kN / 2>.

  2. The first argument b is a scalar input, broadcast to each Switch2x2 instance.

  3. The second argument in_q0 is an istreams<pkt_t, kN / 2> array. Each of the Switch2x2 instances takes one istream<pkt_t>, as the formal parameter is a singleton (istream).

  4. The third argument in_q1 is accessed similarly to in_q0.

  5. The fourth argument out_q is an ostreams<pkt_t, kN> array. Each Switch2x2 instance takes one ostreams<pkt_t, 2>, which is effectively two ostream<pkt_t>.


TAPA does not support accessing individual streams or memory-mapped interfaces from a streams or mmaps array, unless it is in the leaf level of the task invocation hierarchy. For example, in_q0[0] will not compile. Instead, use tapa::invoke<..., n> to distribute the array elements across multiple invocations.


TAPA uses istreams, ostreams, and mmaps to support arrays of streams and memory-mapped interfaces, and they are distributed across multiple invocations using invoke<..., n>.

Asynchronous Memory Access

TAPA’s async_mmap provides a flexible interface for external memory access through the AXI protocol. It exposes the five AXI channels (AR, R, AW, W, B) in C++, giving users maximal control over memory access patterns.


async_mmap provides richer memory access patterns expressiveness than the traditional mmap interface with much smaller area overhead.


async_mmap supports runtime burst detection to optimize memory access.

Structure and Channels

The async_mmap is defined as follows:

template <typename T>
struct async_mmap {
  using addr_t = int64_t;
  using resp_t = uint8_t;

  tapa::ostream<addr_t> read_addr;
  tapa::istream<T> read_data;
  tapa::ostream<addr_t> write_addr;
  tapa::ostream<T> write_data;
  tapa::istream<resp_t> write_resp;

This structure abstracts an external memory as an interface consisting of five streams:

  1. read_addr: Output stream for read addresses.

  2. read_data: Input stream for read data.

  3. write_addr: Output stream for write addresses.

  4. write_data: Output stream for write data.

  5. write_resp: Input stream for write responses.

The async_mmap structure is illustrated in the following diagram:

Usage Model

  • Read operations:

    • Send an address to the read_addr channel.

    • Receive the corresponding data of type T from the read_data channel.

    • Multiple read requests can be issued before receiving responses

  • Write operations:

    • Send an address to the write_addr channel.

    • Send the corresponding data to the write_data channel.

    • The write_resp channel will receive data indicating how many write transactions have succeeded.

Basic Usage

async_mmap should be used only as formal parameters in leaf-level tasks. It can be constructed from mmap, and an mmap argument can be passed to an async_mmap parameter. Note that the only the non-blocking API try_ready and try_write should be used to avoid deadlocks. Detailed usage can be found at Efficient Memory Accesses


async_mmap should only be used as formal parameters in leaf-level tasks, which are C++ functions that are called directly from tapa::task::invoke and do not instantiate any children tasks or streams


Due to certain from the Vitis HLS compiler, async_mmap must be passed by reference, i.e., with &. In contrast, mmap must be passed by value, i.e., without &.

void task1(tapa::async_mmap<data_t>& mem);
void task2(tapa::      mmap<data_t>  mem);

// Note the &
void task1(tapa::async_mmap<data_t>& mem) {
  // ...
  // ...
  // ...

// Note no &
void task2(tapa::mmap<data_t> mem) {
  // ...
  mem[i] = foo;
  bar = mem[j];
  // ...

void top(tapa::mmap<data_t> mem1, tapa::mmap<data_t> mem2) {
    .invoke(task1, mem1)
    .invoke(task2, mem2)

Runtime Burst Detection

TAPA infers burst async_mmap transactions at runtime, allowing for efficient memory access in both sequential and random access patterns. Users only need to issue individual read/write transactions, and TAPA optimizes them into burst transactions when possible.

This approach offers several advantages:

  1. More efficient for both sequential and random access patterns.

  2. No reliance on static analysis for burst inference.

  3. Allows for dynamic, data-dependent access patterns.

What are bursts?

mmap (which uses Vitis HLS #pragma HLS interface m_axi internally) provides synchronous memory interfaces that heavily rely on memory bursts. Without memory bursts, the access pattern looks like this:


Synchronous off-chip memory accesses without burst.

A significant issue is that long memory latency (typically 100 ~ 200 ns) can result in very low memory throughput. To address this, memory bursts are widely used, allowing the kernel to receive multiple data pieces using a single memory request:


Synchronous off-chip memory accesses with burst.

However, memory bursts are only available for consecutive memory access patterns. To overcome this limitation, TAPA async_mmap uses a different approach, issuing multiple outstanding requests simultaneously:


Asynchronous off-chip memory accesses.

Multi-outstanding asynchronous requests are much more efficient than single-outstanding synchronous requests. However, for sequential access patterns, large burst memory accesses are still significantly more efficient than small individual transactions on external memory. For instance, reading 4 KB of data in one AXI transaction is much faster than 512 smaller 8-byte AXI transactions. Current HLS tools (e.g., Vitis HLS) typically use static analysis to infer bursts, which may result in unpredictable and limited hardware.

TAPA, instead, infers burst transactions at runtime. Users only need to issue individual read/write transactions, and TAPA provides optimized modules to combine and merge sequential transactions into burst transactions dynamically.


Asynchronous off-chip memory accesses with runtime burst detection.

Smaller Area Overhead

Compared to Vitis HLS, TAPA’s async_mmap implementation results in significantly smaller area overhead. This is particularly beneficial for HBM devices with multiple memory channels.

Quantitative results from a microbenchmark:

Memory Interface







#pragma HLS interface m_axi














As shown, async_mmap uses significantly fewer BRAM resources and flip-flops, making it more efficient for designs with multiple memory interfaces.


By using asynchronous memory interfaces and runtime burst detection, async_mmap enables high memory throughput for both sequential and random memory accesses with minimal area overhead.

Sharing Memory Interfaces

TAPA provides the flexibility to share memory-mapped interfaces among dataflow modules, a feature not available in Vitis HLS. This capability is particularly useful when the number of memory-mapped interfaces is limited.

Example: Shared Vector Add

The shared vector add example shipped with TAPA demonstrates this capability by putting the inputs a and b in the same memory-mapped interface.

void Mmap2Stream(mmap<float> mmap, int offset, uint64_t n, ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream.write(mmap[n * offset + i]);

void Load(mmap<float> srcs, uint64_t n, ostream<float>& a, ostream<float>& b) {
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, srcs, 0, n, a)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, srcs, 1, n, b);
  • The same mmap<float> is referenced twice in the Load function.

  • Two Mmap2Stream task instances can access the same AXI instance.

  • The offset parameter in Mmap2Stream allows for accessing different parts of the shared memory.

Implementation Details

Under the hood, TAPA implements this sharing mechanism as follows:

  1. AXI Interconnect: TAPA instantiates an AXI interconnect to manage access to the shared memory interface.

  2. Dedicated AXI Threads: Each port using the shared interface gets a dedicated AXI thread.

  3. Unordered Requests: Requests from different ports are not ordered with respect to each other. This helps reduce potential deadlocks.


Memory Consistency: The programmer needs to ensure memory consistency among shared memory-mapped interfaces. This typically involves accessing different memory locations in different task instances.


TAPA allows sharing memory-mapped interfaces among dataflow modules, reducing the number of memory interfaces required.