Real-World Examples

The TAPA repo also includes a set of large scale designs under the tests/regression directory. This directory is under active development and we are adding more sophiticated TAPA designs here.

  • autosa folder contains a set of designs that are generated by the AutoSA compiler. mm/10x13 is a matrix multiplication systolic array of 10x13 dimension, taking 90% of LUTs on the Alveo U55C FPGA.

  • callipepla is a conjugate gradient solver using 26 of 32 HBM channels originally published in FPGA’23.

  • cnn and lu_decomposition are both systolic arrays (of different shape) originally published in FPGA’21.

  • hbm-bandwidth can be used to profile the HBM bandwidth. It reads from and write back to all 32 channels of HBM. It is a good demonstration of the expressiveness and the optimized area of async_mmap.

  • hbm-bandwidth-1-ch only reads from and writes to one HBM channel.

  • serpens is a sparse matrix-vector multiplication published in DAC’22. We provide different versions that are of the same architecture but different parallelism (number of HBM channels instantiated).

  • spmm is a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication published in FPGA’22.

  • spmv-hisparse-mmap is another sparse matrix-vector multiplication published in HiSparse at FPGA’22.

  • knn is a K-nearest-neighbor accelerator originally published in FPT’20.

  • page_rank is an accelerator for the Page-Rank algorithm that is included in FCCM’21.

One-click TAPA + RapidStream Compilation

The following designs under the tests/regression directory contain a script rapidstream/ that can be used to compile the design with TAPA and RapidStream.

  • autosa/mm/10x13/u55c

  • autosa/mm/10x13/u250

  • callipepla

  • serpens-32ch

  • spmm/sextans-u55c-3x3floorplan

The script executes the following steps:

  1. Generate the configuration (.json) files for RapidStream (<5 min):

  • device_config.json: device information including the resource within and between slots.

  • floorplan_config.json: containing the floorplan solving time limit, the range of floorplan resource budget to be searched, the floorplan (partition) strategy, pre-assignments of cells/ports, min resource limit on slots, etc.

  • impl_config.json: Vitis/Vivado implementation configuration including the target clock period, the parallelism for number of Vivado runs and jobs within each run, etc. The default parallelism is set to 1 for safe memory usage, you can increase it to speed up the implementation based on your compute resource. Empirically, the implementation of a large-scale design for Alveo/Versal devices requires at least 64GB memory for each run. For example, if you have 256GB memory, you can set --max-workers to 4. As for the --max-synth-jobs, it controls the – parameter of the v++ command.

  1. Synthesize TAPA code to RTL and pack it to a kernel object (.xo) (<5 min).

  2. RapidStream consumes the kernel object and the configuration files to generate the floorplan & pipeline and run Vitis implementation (hours). The following parameters controls the RapidStream behavior:

  • --skip-preprocess: skip the preprocess step before floorplanning and reuse the old post-preprocess RapidStream IR in the --work-dir.

  • --skip-partition: skip the partitioning/floorplanning step before pipeline generation and reuse the old post-partitioning/floorplanning RapidStream IR in the --work-dir.

  • --skip-add-pipeline: skip the pipeline generation step before exporting and reuse the old post-pipelining RapidStream IR in --work-dir.

  • --skip-export: skip the export step before implementation and reuse the previously exported solutions in the --work-dir.

  • --run-impl: run Vitis implementation on existing exported solutions.

  • --extract-metrics: extract the quality metrics from the implemented (post-route) design checkpoint (.dcp).

  • --setup-single-slot-eval: enable the single-slot evaluation flow.

  1. Report the maximum achieved frequency (<1 min).