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TAPA Design


RapidStream is fully compatible with TAPA. In this recipe, we illustrate how to create a Xilinx objective file (.xo) using TAPA, then optimize the .xo file with RapidStream, and finally utilize the optimized output in the ongoing Vitis development process.

Xilinx Object Files

Vitis compiled object .xo files are IP packages used in the AMD Vitis kernel development flow for programming the programmable logic (PL) region of target devices. These files can be generated from HLS C++ code using the v++ command, packed from RTL code, or created using third-party frameworks like RapidStream TAPA. In this example, we use RapidStream TAPA to generate the VecAdd.xo file, but the same flow applies to object files generated through other methods.


You can find the source code for this tutorial on rapidstream-cookbook repo.

Step 1: C++ Simulation

Since our design calls Xilinx Libraries, we need to source the Vitis environment before running the simulation.

source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.2/settings64.sh

Before generating the .xo file, we recommend running a C++ simulation to verify the correctness of the design. This step is optional but highly recommended. Run the following command or make csim to perform C++ simulation:

tapa g++ design/main.cpp design/VecAdd.cpp \
-I /opt/tools/xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2023.2/include \
-o build/run_u55c.py/main.exe -O2

You should see the following output:

I20241010 15:14:52.494259 4113880 task.h:66] running software simulation with TAPA library
kernel time: 0.0197967 s

Step 2: Generate the Xilinx Object File (.xo)

We use TAPA on top of 2023.2 to generate the .xo file. Run the following command or run make xo:

source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.2/settings64.sh
mkdir -p build/run_u55c.py
cd build/run_u55c.py && tapa compile \
--top VecAdd \
--part-num xcu280-fsvh2892-2L-e \
--clock-period 3.33 \
-o VecAdd.xo \
-f ../../design/VecAdd.cpp \
2>&1 | tee tapa.log

Step 4: Define Virtual Device

In this tutorial, we use the Alveo U55C as an example. The device is organized into six slots, each containing 16 clock regions of logic. In actual implementations, the available slots are reduced based on the platform specifics, as some resources are reserved for shell logic.

To generate a device.json file that details the device features, such as slot resources and locations, you can either run the run_u55c.py script by invoking RapidStream as shown below or simply enter make device in the terminal.

rapidstream run_u55c.py

Step 5: Use RapidStream to Optimize .xo Design

The RapidStream flow conducts design space exploration and generates solutions by taking all TAPA-generated .xo files as the input. The RapidStream flow for TAPA requires the following key inputs:

  • tapa-xo-path: The path to the TAPA-generated xo file (VecAdd.xo).

  • device-config: The virtual device (device.json) generated in the previous step by calling RapidStream APIs.

  • floorplan-config: The configuration file ([floorplan_config.json](design/config/run_u55c.py/floorplan_config.json)) to guide integrated AutoBridge to floorplan the design.

  • implementation-config: The configuration file ([impl_config.json](design/config/run_u55c.py/impl_config.json)) to guide Vitis to implement the design (e.g., kernel clock, Vitis platform, etc.).

  • connectivity-ini: The link configuration file ([link_config.ini](design/config/run_u55c.py/link_config.ini)) specifying how the kernel interfaces are connected to the memory controller. This is the same as the Vitis link configuration file.

In floorplan_config.json, we intentionally assign the cell “add_kernel” to “SLOT_X1Y1” by the following configuration. You can also specify the cell assignment using a similar regular expression.

"cell_pre_assignments": {
    ".*add_kernel.*": "SLOT_X1Y1_TO_SLOT_X1Y1"

We encapsulate the RapidStream command for TAPA as rapidstream-tapaopt for invoking. You can run the command below or execute make all supported by our [Makefile](Makefile).

rapidstream-tapaopt --work-dir build/run_u55c.py \
                    --tapa-xo-path ./VecAdd.xo \
                    --device-config build/run_u55c.py/device.json \
                    --run-impl \
                    --floorplan-config ../../design/config/run_u55c.py/ab_config.json \
                    --implementation-config ../../design/config/run_u55c.py/impl_config.json \
                    --connectivity-ini ../../design/config/run_u55c.py/link_config.ini

When finished, you can locate these files using the following command:

find ./build/run_u55c.py/ -name *.xo

If everything is successful, you should find an optimized .xo file in build/run_u55c.py/dse/solution_0/updated.xo.

Since we enabled the --run-impl option, RapidStream will launch Vitis to generate the .xclbin file for the optimized .xo file. You can find the optimized .xclbin file by running the following command:

find ./build -name *.xclbin.info

Step 6: Check the Real Floorplan Report

Since we assigned the cell “add_kernel” to “SLOT_X1Y1” in the configuration file, we can check the real floorplan report by running the following command or make check_floorplan:

rapidstream ../../common/util/get_slot.py \
  -i build/run_u55c.py \
  -o build/run_u55c.py

You can open build/run_u55c.py/floorplan_solution_<N>.csv to check the real floorplan report. You may find more than one CSV file depending on the number of solutions.

Step 7: Check the Group Module Report

RapidStream mandates a clear distinction between communication and computation within user designs.

  • In Group modules, users are tasked solely with defining inter-submodule communication. For those familiar with Vivado IP Integrator flow, crafting a Group module mirrors the process of connecting IPs in IPI. RapidStream subsequently integrates appropriate pipeline registers into these Group modules.

  • In Leaf modules, users retain the flexibility to implement diverse computational patterns, as RapidStream leaves these Leaf modules unchanged.

To generate a report on group types, execute the commands below or make show_groups:

rapidstream ../../common/util/get_group.py \
    -i build/passes/0-imported.json \
    -o build/module_types.csv

The module types for your design can be found in build/module_types.csv.