Refer to the TAPA Github repo for the full code.

Mini Examples

Vector Add

// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <cstdint>

#include <tapa.h>

void Add(tapa::istream<float>& a, tapa::istream<float>& b,
         tapa::ostream<float>& c, uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    c << ( +;

void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<const float> mmap, uint64_t n,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream << mmap[i];

void Stream2Mmap(tapa::istream<float>& stream, tapa::mmap<float> mmap,
                 uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream >> mmap[i];

void VecAdd(tapa::mmap<const float> a, tapa::mmap<const float> b,
            tapa::mmap<float> c, uint64_t n) {
  tapa::stream<float> a_q("a");
  tapa::stream<float> b_q("b");
  tapa::stream<float> c_q("c");

      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, a, n, a_q)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, b, n, b_q)
      .invoke(Add, a_q, b_q, c_q, n)
      .invoke(Stream2Mmap, c_q, c, n);

Vector Add with Shared Memory Interface

// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <cstdint>

#include <tapa.h>

using tapa::istream;
using tapa::mmap;
using tapa::ostream;
using tapa::stream;
using tapa::task;

void Add(istream<float>& a, istream<float>& b, ostream<float>& c) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NEITHER_EOT(a, b) {
    c.write( +;

void Mmap2Stream(mmap<float> mmap, int offset, uint64_t n,
                 ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream.write(mmap[n * offset + i]);

void Stream2Mmap(istream<float>& stream, mmap<float> mmap, int offset,
                 uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    mmap[n * offset + i] =;

void Load(mmap<float> srcs, uint64_t n, ostream<float>& a, ostream<float>& b) {
  task().invoke(Mmap2Stream, srcs, 0, n, a).invoke(Mmap2Stream, srcs, 1, n, b);

void Store(istream<float>& stream, mmap<float> mmap, uint64_t n) {
  task().invoke(Stream2Mmap, stream, mmap, 2, n);

void VecAdd(mmap<float> data, uint64_t n) {
  stream<float, 8> a("a");
  stream<float, 8> b("b");
  stream<float, 8> c("c");

      .invoke(Load, data, n, a, b)
      .invoke(Add, a, b, c)
      .invoke(Store, c, data, n);

void VecAddShared(mmap<float> elems, uint64_t n) {
  task().invoke(VecAdd, elems, n);

Vector Add with Multiple Task Hierarchy

// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <cstdint>

#include <tapa.h>

void Add(uint64_t n_int, tapa::istream<float>& a_int,
         tapa::istream<float>& b_int, tapa::ostream<float>& c_int) {
  float a, b;
  bool a_succeed = false, b_succeed = false;
  uint64_t read = 0;

  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] while (read < n_int) {
    if (!a_succeed) {
      a =;
    if (!b_succeed) {
      b =;
    if (a_succeed && b_succeed) {
      c_int.write(a + b);
      a_succeed = b_succeed = false;
      read += 1;

  // Clear the eot tokens.;;

void Compute(uint64_t n_ext, tapa::istream<float>& a_ext,
             tapa::istream<float>& b_ext, tapa::ostream<float>& c_ext) {
  tapa::task().invoke(Add, n_ext, a_ext, b_ext, c_ext);

void Mmap2Stream_internal(tapa::async_mmap<float>& mmap_int, uint64_t n_int,
                          tapa::ostream<float>& stream_int) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] for (uint64_t rq_i = 0, rs_i = 0; rs_i < n_int;) {
    float elem;
    if (rq_i < n_int &&
        rq_i < rs_i + 50 &&  // TODO: resolve the DRAM lock issue
    if (mmap_int.read_data.try_read(elem)) {


void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<float> mmap_ext, uint64_t n_ext,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& stream_ext) {
  tapa::task().invoke(Mmap2Stream_internal, mmap_ext, n_ext, stream_ext);

void Load(tapa::mmap<float> a_array, tapa::mmap<float> b_array,
          tapa::ostream<float>& a_stream, tapa::ostream<float>& b_stream,
          uint64_t n) {
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, a_array, n, a_stream)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, b_array, n, b_stream);

void Store(tapa::istream<float>& stream, tapa::mmap<float> mmap, uint64_t n) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    mmap[i] =;

  // Clear the eot token.;

void VecAddNested(tapa::mmap<float> a_array, tapa::mmap<float> b_array,
                  tapa::mmap<float> c_array, uint64_t n) {
  tapa::stream<float, 8> a_stream("a");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> b_stream("b");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> c_stream("c");

      .invoke(Load, a_array, b_array, a_stream, b_stream, n)
      .invoke(Compute, n, a_stream, b_stream, c_stream)
      .invoke(Store, c_stream, c_array, n);

Bandwidth Test (using async_mmap)

// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>

#include <tapa.h>

#include "bandwidth.h"
#include "lfsr.h"

void Copy(tapa::async_mmap<Elem>& mem, uint64_t n, uint64_t flags) {
  const bool random = flags & kRandom;
  const bool read = flags & kRead;
  const bool write = flags & kWrite;

  if (!read && !write) return;

  uint16_t mask = 0xffffu;
  [[tapa::unroll]]  //
  for (int i = 16; i > 0; --i) {
    if (n < (1ULL << i)) {
      mask >>= 1;

  Lfsr<16> lfsr_rd = 0xbeefu;
  Lfsr<16> lfsr_wr = 0xbeefu;
  Elem elem;

  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]]  //
  for (uint64_t i_rd_req = 0, i_rd_resp = 0, i_wr_req = 0, i_wr_resp = 0;
       write ? (i_wr_resp < n) : (i_rd_resp < n);) {
    bool can_read = !mem.read_data.empty();
    bool can_write = !mem.write_addr.full() && !mem.write_data.full();
    int64_t read_addr = random ? uint64_t(lfsr_rd & mask) : i_rd_req;
    int64_t write_addr = random ? uint64_t(lfsr_wr & mask) : i_wr_req;

    if (read
        // `i_rd_req < i_rd_resp + 50` is required for Vitis cosim on some
        // platforms. Without it, cosim might end up stuck because the AXI
        // interface from the Vitis platform never responds.
        && i_rd_req < i_rd_resp + 50 && i_rd_req < n &&
        mem.read_addr.try_write(read_addr)) {
      VLOG(3) << "RD REQ [" << std::setw(5) << read_addr << "]";

    if (read && can_read && (!write || can_write)) {
      VLOG(3) << "RD RSP #" << std::setw(5) << i_rd_resp - 1;

    if (((read && can_read && write) || (!read && i_wr_req < n)) && can_write) {
      VLOG(3) << "WR REQ [" << std::setw(5) << write_addr << "]";

    if (write && !mem.write_resp.empty()) {
      i_wr_resp += + 1;
      VLOG(3) << "WR RSP #" << std::setw(5) << i_wr_resp - 1;

void Bandwidth(tapa::mmaps<Elem, kBankCount> chan, uint64_t n, uint64_t flags) {
  tapa::task().invoke<tapa::join, kBankCount>(Copy, chan, n, flags);


// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <tapa.h>

using tapa::detach;
using tapa::istream;
using tapa::istreams;
using tapa::mmap;
using tapa::ostreams;
using tapa::streams;
using tapa::task;
using tapa::vec_t;

using pkt_t = uint64_t;
constexpr int kN = 8;  // kN x kN network

constexpr int kStageCount = 3;  // log2(kN)

void Switch2x2(int b, istream<pkt_t>& pkt_in_q0, istream<pkt_t>& pkt_in_q1,
               ostreams<pkt_t, 2>& pkt_out_q) {
  uint8_t priority = 0;

  b = kStageCount - 1 - b;

  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] for (bool valid_0, valid_1;;) {
#pragma HLS latency max = 0
    auto pkt_0 = pkt_in_q0.peek(valid_0);
    auto pkt_1 = pkt_in_q1.peek(valid_1);
    bool fwd_0_0 = valid_0 && (pkt_0 & (1 << b)) == 0;
    bool fwd_0_1 = valid_0 && (pkt_0 & (1 << b)) != 0;
    bool fwd_1_0 = valid_1 && (pkt_1 & (1 << b)) == 0;
    bool fwd_1_1 = valid_1 && (pkt_1 & (1 << b)) != 0;

    bool conflict =
        valid_0 && valid_1 && fwd_0_0 == fwd_1_0 && fwd_0_1 == fwd_1_1;
    bool prioritize_1 = priority & 1;

    bool read_0 = !((!fwd_0_0 && !fwd_0_1) || (prioritize_1 && conflict));
    bool read_1 = !((!fwd_1_0 && !fwd_1_1) || (!prioritize_1 && conflict));
    bool write_0 = fwd_0_0 || fwd_1_0;
    bool write_1 = fwd_1_1 || fwd_0_1;
    bool write_0_0 = fwd_0_0 && (!fwd_1_0 || !prioritize_1);
    bool write_1_1 = fwd_1_1 && (!fwd_0_1 || prioritize_1);

    // if can forward through (0->0 or 1->1), do it
    // otherwise, check for conflict
    const bool written_0 =
        write_0 && pkt_out_q[0].try_write(write_0_0 ? pkt_0 : pkt_1);
    const bool written_1 =
        write_1 && pkt_out_q[1].try_write(write_1_1 ? pkt_1 : pkt_0);

    // if can forward through (0->0 or 1->1), do it
    // otherwise, round robin priority of both ins
    if (read_0 && (write_0_0 ? written_0 : written_1)) {;
    if (read_1 && (write_1_1 ? written_1 : written_0)) {;

    if (conflict) ++priority;

void InnerStage(int b, istreams<pkt_t, kN / 2>& in_q0,
                istreams<pkt_t, kN / 2>& in_q1, ostreams<pkt_t, kN> out_q) {
  task().invoke<detach, kN / 2>(Switch2x2, b, in_q0, in_q1, out_q);

void Stage(int b, istreams<pkt_t, kN>& in_q, ostreams<pkt_t, kN> out_q) {
  task().invoke<detach>(InnerStage, b, in_q, in_q, out_q);

void Produce(mmap<vec_t<pkt_t, kN>> mmap_in, uint64_t n,
             ostreams<pkt_t, kN>& out_q) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    auto buf = mmap_in[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < kN; ++j) {

void Consume(mmap<vec_t<pkt_t, kN>> mmap_out, uint64_t n,
             istreams<pkt_t, kN> in_q) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    vec_t<pkt_t, kN> buf;
    for (int j = 0; j < kN; ++j) {
      buf.set(j, in_q[j].read());
      CHECK_EQ(buf[j] % kN, j);
    mmap_out[i] = buf;

void Network(mmap<vec_t<pkt_t, kN>> mmap_in, mmap<vec_t<pkt_t, kN>> mmap_out,
             uint64_t n) {
  streams<pkt_t, kN*(kStageCount + 1), 4096> qs("qs");

      .invoke(Produce, mmap_in, n, qs)
      .invoke<tapa::join, kStageCount>(Stage, tapa::seq(), qs, qs)
      .invoke(Consume, mmap_out, n, qs);


// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>

#include <tapa.h>

// p x p PEs
const int p = 2;

// Handles kN x kN matrices maximum.
const int kN = 32;  // Use fixed value for efficient hardware generation.

// Scatter n*n matrix into p*p blocks, each block.
void Scatter(tapa::mmap<const float> matrix_ptr, tapa::ostream<float>& block_00,
             tapa::ostream<float>& block_01, tapa::ostream<float>& block_10,
             tapa::ostream<float>& block_11) {
  const uint64_t kNumElems = (kN / p) * (kN / p);
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {

void Gather(tapa::mmap<float> matrix_ptr, tapa::istream<float>& block_00,
            tapa::istream<float>& block_01, tapa::istream<float>& block_10,
            tapa::istream<float>& block_11) {
  const uint64_t kNumElems = (kN / p) * (kN / p);
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
    *matrix_ptr =;
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
    *matrix_ptr =;
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
    *matrix_ptr =;
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
    *matrix_ptr =;

// Each PE processes n/p * n/p block of matrix.
void ProcElem(tapa::istream<float>& a_fifo, tapa::istream<float>& b_fifo,
              tapa::ostream<float>& c_fifo, tapa::ostream<float>& i_prev,
              tapa::istream<float>& i_next, tapa::ostream<float>& j_prev,
              tapa::istream<float>& j_next) {
  const uint64_t kNumElems = (kN / p) * (kN / p);
  float a[kN / p * kN / p];
  float b[kN / p * kN / p];
  float c[kN / p * kN / p];
#pragma HLS array_partition variable = a cyclic factor = 32
#pragma HLS array_partition variable = b block factor = 32
#pragma HLS array_partition variable = c cyclic factor = 32

  // Initialize local a, b, and c.
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {
    a[i] =;
    b[i] =;
    c[i] = 0.f;

  for (int l = 0; l < p; ++l) {
    [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] for (int ij = 0; ij < kNumElems; ++ij) {
#pragma HLS dependence false variable = c
      float tmp = 0.f;
      const int i = ij / (kN / p);
      const int j = ij % (kN / p);
      for (int k = 0; k < kN / p; ++k) {
        tmp += a[i * (kN / p) + k] * b[k * (kN / p) + j];
      c[ij] += tmp;
    [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] for (uint64_t a_wr = 0, b_wr = 0, a_rd = 0, b_rd = 0;
                               a_wr < kNumElems || b_wr < kNumElems ||
                               a_rd < kNumElems || b_rd < kNumElems;) {
#pragma HLS loop_tripcount min = kNumElems max = kNumElems
#pragma HLS dependence false variable = a
#pragma HLS dependence false variable = b
      if (b_wr < kNumElems && i_prev.try_write(b[b_wr])) ++b_wr;
      if (a_wr < kNumElems && j_prev.try_write(a[a_wr])) ++a_wr;
      if (b_rd < b_wr && i_next.try_read(b[b_rd])) ++b_rd;
      if (a_rd < a_wr && j_next.try_read(a[a_rd])) ++a_rd;

  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumElems; ++i) {

void Cannon(tapa::mmap<const float> a_vec, tapa::mmap<const float> b_vec,
            tapa::mmap<float> c_vec, uint64_t n) {
  assert(kN % p == 0);
  assert(n <= kN);

  tapa::stream<float, 2> a_00("a->PE00");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> a_01("a->PE01");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> a_10("a->PE10");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> a_11("a->PE11");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> b_00("b->PE00");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> b_01("b->PE01");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> b_10("b->PE10");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> b_11("b->PE11");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> c_00("c->PE00");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> c_01("c->PE01");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> c_10("c->PE10");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> c_11("c->PE11");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_00_01("PE00->PE01");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_01_00("PE01->PE00");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_10_11("PE10->PE11");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_11_10("PE11->PE10");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_00_10("PE00->PE10");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_10_00("PE10->PE00");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_01_11("PE01->PE11");
  tapa::stream<float, 8> fifo_11_01("PE11->PE01");

      .invoke(Scatter, a_vec, a_00, a_01, a_10, a_11)
      .invoke(Scatter, b_vec, b_00, b_01, b_10, b_11)
      .invoke(ProcElem, a_00, b_00, c_00, fifo_00_10, fifo_10_00, fifo_00_01,
      .invoke(ProcElem, a_01, b_01, c_01, fifo_01_11, fifo_11_01, fifo_01_00,
      .invoke(ProcElem, a_10, b_10, c_10, fifo_10_00, fifo_00_10, fifo_10_11,
      .invoke(ProcElem, a_11, b_11, c_11, fifo_11_01, fifo_01_11, fifo_11_10,
      .invoke(Gather, c_vec, c_00, c_01, c_10, c_11);


// Copyright (c) 2024 RapidStream Design Automation, Inc. and contributors.
// All rights reserved. The contributor(s) of this file has/have agreed to the
// RapidStream Contributor License Agreement.

#include <tapa.h>

void Mmap2Stream(tapa::mmap<const float> mmap, uint64_t n,
                 tapa::ostream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>>& stream) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(2)]] for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    tapa::vec_t<float, 2> tmp;
    tmp.set(0, mmap[i * 2]);
    tmp.set(1, mmap[i * 2 + 1]);

void Stream2Mmap(tapa::istream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>>& stream,
                 tapa::mmap<float> mmap) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(2)]] for (uint64_t i = 0;;) {
    bool eot;
    if (stream.try_eot(eot)) {
      if (eot) break;
      auto packed =;
      mmap[i * 2] = packed[0];
      mmap[i * 2 + 1] = packed[1];

void Module0Func(tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_0,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_1,
                 tapa::istream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>>& dram_t1_bank_0_fifo) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NOT_EOT(dram_t1_bank_0_fifo) {
    auto dram_t1_bank_0_buf =;

void Module1Func(tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_0,
                 tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_1,
                 tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_0) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NOT_EOT(fifo_ld_0) {
    auto fifo_ref_0 =;

void Module3Func1(tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_1) {
  const int delay_0 = 50;
  int count = 0;
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NEITHER_EOT(fifo_ld_0, fifo_ld_1) {
    float fifo_ref_0 = 0.f;
    bool do_ld_0 = count >= delay_0;
    if (do_ld_0) {
      fifo_ref_0 =;
    float fifo_ref_1 =;
    fifo_st_0.write(fifo_ref_0 + fifo_ref_1);
    if (!do_ld_0) {

void Module3Func2(tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_1) {
  const int delay_0 = 51;
  int count = 0;
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NEITHER_EOT(fifo_ld_0, fifo_ld_1) {
    float fifo_ref_0 = 0.f;
    bool do_ld_0 = count >= delay_0;
    if (do_ld_0) {
      fifo_ref_0 =;
    float fifo_ref_1 =;
    fifo_st_0.write(fifo_ref_0 + fifo_ref_1);
    if (!do_ld_0) {

void Module6Func1(tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_1,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_2) {
  const int delay_0 = 50;
  const int delay_2 = 50;
  int count = 0;
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NONE_EOT(fifo_ld_0, fifo_ld_1, fifo_ld_2) {
    float fifo_ref_0 = 0.f;
    bool do_ld_0 = count >= delay_0;
    if (do_ld_0) {
      fifo_ref_0 =;
    auto fifo_ref_1 =;
    float fifo_ref_2 = 0.f;
    bool do_ld_2 = count >= delay_2;
    if (do_ld_2) {
      fifo_ref_2 =;
    fifo_st_0.write((fifo_ref_0 + fifo_ref_1 + fifo_ref_2) * 0.2f);
    if (!do_ld_0 || !do_ld_2) {
void Module6Func2(tapa::ostream<float>& fifo_st_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_0,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_1,
                  tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_2) {
  const int delay_0 = 49;
  const int delay_2 = 50;
  int count = 0;
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NONE_EOT(fifo_ld_0, fifo_ld_1, fifo_ld_2) {
    float fifo_ref_0 = 0.f;
    bool do_ld_0 = count >= delay_0;
    if (do_ld_0) {
      fifo_ref_0 =;
    auto fifo_ref_1 =;
    float fifo_ref_2 = 0.f;
    bool do_ld_2 = count >= delay_2;
    if (do_ld_2) {
      fifo_ref_2 =;
    fifo_st_0.write((fifo_ref_0 + fifo_ref_1 + fifo_ref_2) * 0.2f);
    if (!do_ld_0 || !do_ld_2) {

void Module8Func(tapa::ostream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>>& dram_t0_bank_0_fifo,
                 tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_0,
                 tapa::istream<float>& fifo_ld_1) {
  [[tapa::pipeline(1)]] TAPA_WHILE_NEITHER_EOT(fifo_ld_0, fifo_ld_1) {
    tapa::vec_t<float, 2> tmp;

void Jacobi(tapa::mmap<float> bank_0_t0, tapa::mmap<const float> bank_0_t1,
            uint64_t coalesced_data_num) {
  tapa::stream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>, 32> bank_0_t1_buf("bank_0_t1_buf");
  tapa::stream<tapa::vec_t<float, 2>, 32> bank_0_t0_buf("bank_0_t0_buf");
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_super_source_to_t1_offset_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_super_source_to_t1_offset_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_t1_offset_0_to_t1_offset_2000(
  tapa::stream<float, 4> from_t1_offset_0_to_tcse_var_0_pe_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_t1_offset_1_to_t1_offset_2001(
  tapa::stream<float, 6> from_t1_offset_1_to_tcse_var_0_pe_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 58> from_t1_offset_2000_to_t0_pe_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 52> from_t1_offset_2001_to_tcse_var_0_pe_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 56> from_t1_offset_2001_to_t0_pe_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_tcse_var_0_pe_1_to_tcse_var_0_offset_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 53> from_t1_offset_2000_to_tcse_var_0_pe_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_tcse_var_0_pe_0_to_tcse_var_0_offset_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 6> from_tcse_var_0_offset_0_to_t0_pe_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_tcse_var_0_offset_1_to_t0_pe_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 52> from_tcse_var_0_offset_0_to_t0_pe_0(
  tapa::stream<float, 4> from_t0_pe_0_to_super_sink(
  tapa::stream<float, 51> from_tcse_var_0_offset_1_to_t0_pe_1(
  tapa::stream<float, 2> from_t0_pe_1_to_super_sink(

      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, "Mmap2Stream", bank_0_t1, coalesced_data_num,
      .invoke(Module0Func, "Module0Func",
              /*output*/ from_super_source_to_t1_offset_0,
              /*output*/ from_super_source_to_t1_offset_1,
              /* input*/ bank_0_t1_buf)
      .invoke(Module1Func, "Module1Func#1",
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_0_to_t1_offset_2000,
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_0_to_tcse_var_0_pe_1,
              /* input*/ from_super_source_to_t1_offset_0)
      .invoke(Module1Func, "Module1Func#2",
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_1_to_t1_offset_2001,
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_1_to_tcse_var_0_pe_0,
              /* input*/ from_super_source_to_t1_offset_1)
      .invoke(Module1Func, "Module2Func#1",
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_2000_to_tcse_var_0_pe_0,
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_2000_to_t0_pe_1,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_0_to_t1_offset_2000)
      .invoke(Module1Func, "Module2Func#2",
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_2001_to_tcse_var_0_pe_1,
              /*output*/ from_t1_offset_2001_to_t0_pe_0,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_1_to_t1_offset_2001)
      .invoke(Module3Func1, "Module3Func#1",
              /*output*/ from_tcse_var_0_pe_1_to_tcse_var_0_offset_0,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_2001_to_tcse_var_0_pe_1,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_0_to_tcse_var_0_pe_1)
      .invoke(Module3Func2, "Module3Func#2",
              /*output*/ from_tcse_var_0_pe_0_to_tcse_var_0_offset_1,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_2000_to_tcse_var_0_pe_0,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_1_to_tcse_var_0_pe_0)
      .invoke(Module1Func, "Module1Func#3",
              /*output*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_0_to_t0_pe_0,
              /*output*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_0_to_t0_pe_1,
              /* input*/ from_tcse_var_0_pe_1_to_tcse_var_0_offset_0)
      .invoke(Module1Func, "Module1Func#4",
              /*output*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_1_to_t0_pe_1,
              /*output*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_1_to_t0_pe_0,
              /* input*/ from_tcse_var_0_pe_0_to_tcse_var_0_offset_1)
      .invoke(Module6Func1, "Module6Func#1",
              /*output*/ from_t0_pe_0_to_super_sink,
              /* input*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_0_to_t0_pe_0,
              /* input*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_1_to_t0_pe_0,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_2001_to_t0_pe_0)
      .invoke(Module6Func2, "Module6Func#2",
              /*output*/ from_t0_pe_1_to_super_sink,
              /* input*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_1_to_t0_pe_1,
              /* input*/ from_tcse_var_0_offset_0_to_t0_pe_1,
              /* input*/ from_t1_offset_2000_to_t0_pe_1)
      .invoke(Module8Func, "Module8Func",
              /*output*/ bank_0_t0_buf,
              /* input*/ from_t0_pe_0_to_super_sink,
              /* input*/ from_t0_pe_1_to_super_sink)
      .invoke(Stream2Mmap, "Stream2Mmap", bank_0_t0_buf, bank_0_t0);

Real-World Examples

The TAPA repo also includes a set of large scale designs under the tests/regression directory. This directory is under active development and we are adding more sophiticated TAPA designs here.

  • cnn and lu_decomposition are both systolic arrays (of different shape) originally published in FPGA’21.

  • hbm-bandwidth can be used to profile the HBM bandwidth. It reads from and write back to all 32 channels of HBM. It is a good demonstration of the expressiveness and the optimized area of async_mmap.

  • hbm-bandwidth-1-ch only reads from and writes to one HBM channel.

  • serpens is a sparse matrix-vector multiplication published in DAC’22. We provide different versions that are of the same architecture but different parallelism.

  • spmm is a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication published in FPGA’22

  • spmv-hisparse-mmap is another sparse matrix-vector multiplication published in HiSparse at FPGA’22

  • knn is a K-nearest-neighbor accelerator originally published in FPT’20

  • page_rank is an accelerator for the Page-Rank algorithm that is included in FCCM’21