Building from Source


This guide is for developers contributing to or extending TAPA, or advanced users building TAPA from source for custom OS support. For FPGA accelerator development with TAPA, refer to the User Documentation.


If your OS isn’t officially supported and you’re not a developer, consider using a virtual machine or file a feature request on GitHub.

System Prerequisites

To build TAPA from source, you need:

Install these tools using your OS package manager. For Ubuntu:

# Install bazel
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg
curl -fsSL \
  | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/bazel-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/bazel-archive-keyring.gpg] \ stable jdk1.8" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
sudo apt-get install bazel

# Install other tools
sudo apt-get install binutils git python3


For Bazel installation on other OS, see the Bazel documentation.


The Dockerfile in the TAPA repository provides a complete build environment. Use it for containerized builds or run the Ubuntu commands to install required tools.

Clone the Repository

To get started with building TAPA from source, you’ll need to clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone

If you are contributing to TAPA, fork the repository and clone your fork instead. When you’re ready to contribute, create a new branch for your changes, commit your work, and open a pull request to contribute your changes back to the main repository.

Build TAPA from Source

To build TAPA, navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository and execute the following command:

bazel build //...

This command compiles all TAPA targets, including the compiler, runtime library, and tests.

For building a specific target, replace //... with the desired target name. For instance, to build only the TAPA compiler:

bazel build //tapa


To view all available targets, run bazel query //....

To skip building for the tests, you could use:

bazel build //... -- -//tests/...

After the build process completes, you can find the compiled binaries in the bazel-bin directory. For example, the TAPA compiler binary is located at bazel-bin/tapa/tapa.


The build process duration may vary depending on your system’s performance. LLVM, a significant dependency used by TAPA for code generation, requires considerable time to build. Bazel will cache it after the initial build.

Use the Built TAPA


Remember to source the Vivado settings script before running the TAPA compiler.

Once TAPA is built, you can use the compiled TAPA compiler to compile your designs. For example:

bazel-bin/tapa/tapa compile \
 -f tests/apps/bandwidth/bandwidth.cpp \
 --cflags -Itests/apps/bandwidth/ \
 -t Bandwidth \
 --clock-period 3 \
 --part-num xcu250-figd2104-2L-e

Remember to rerun the bazel build command whenever you make changes to the TAPA compiler or runtime library to ensure you’re using the latest version.

Run TAPA Tests

To run all TAPA tests, including unit tests and integration tests, use the following command in the repository’s root directory:

bazel test //...

For running a specific test, replace //... with the test name. For example, to test only a specific app:

bazel test //tests/apps/vadd:vadd-xosim

Build Binary Distribution

To create a binary distribution of TAPA, navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository and execute the following command:

bazel build --config=release //:tapa-pkg-tar

Find the generated binary distribution in the bazel-bin directory, as a tarball named tapa-pkg-tar.tar.

Install the Binary Distribution

To install the binary distribution, extract the tarball to a directory of your choice:

tar -xvf bazel-bin/tapa-pkg-tar.tar -C /path/to/install

Access the TAPA compiler binary at /path/to/install/usr/bin/tapa.

Containerized Build (Advanced)

For those who prefer a containerized build environment, TAPA offers a GitHub Actions workflow that can be run locally using act. This approach ensures a consistent build environment across different systems.


  1. Install act by following the instructions in the act repository.

  2. Ensure Docker is installed on your system, as act requires it to run the workflow.


RapidStream organization developers using RapidStream servers can skip the configuration steps below, as the necessary setup is already in place.


Before running act, set up the following configuration files:

  1. Create a .secrets file in the repository root with the following content:


    Replace [YOUR_UBUNTU_PRO_TOKEN] with your Ubuntu Pro token (available free for personal use) and de:ed:be:ef:ca:fe with your Vivado license MAC address.

  2. Update the .actrc file in the repository root:

    --secret-file .secrets
  3. If your Vivado license and installation locations differ from the defaults (/share/software/licenses/xilinx-ci.lic and /share/software/tools respectively), update .github/actions/run-docker/action.yml accordingly.


Developers from the RapidStream organization can start from here.

Running Containerized Tests

To test TAPA in the containerized environment:

act -j test

This method often provides more consistent results than local testing due to the isolated environment. It also benefits from a shared Bazel cache between runs, potentially speeding up the build process.


Build artifacts are not saved to the local bazel-bin directory in containerized builds. For debugging, you may need to build TAPA in your local environment. However, you can still add test cases and use act for testing your changes.

Creating a Binary Distribution

To create a binary distribution of TAPA:

act -j build

The resulting binary distribution is saved in the artifacts.out directory in the repository root (e.g., artifacts.out/1/tapa/tapa.tar.gz for the first build).

Installing the Binary Distribution

To install the binary distribution:

  1. Extract the tarball to your preferred directory, or

  2. Use the provided script to install TAPA to the default location:

    RAPIDSTREAM_LOCAL_PACKAGE=./artifacts.out/1/tapa/tapa.tar.gz ./